Profile picture of Santiago Sala

Programmer | Animator | UI/UX Designer

  • Linkedin icon with link to Santiago Sala's linkedin page.
  • GitHub icon with link to Santiago Sala's GitHub profile.
  • Youtube icon with link to Santiago Sala's Youtube page.


-Bachelor's degree in Business Information technology, Game production at Jamk (2020 - 2024)

-Bachelor's degree in Health Care, Nursing at Jamk (2013 - 2016)

Technical experiences

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Unity
  • C#
  • Unreal Engine
  • Blender
  • Affinity Designer
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Currently working on...

BuggerOff - Mobile version

  • Description: At team Ribbit Inc. we are currently working on a mobile version of BuggerOff!. More frogs, more maps, new mechanics all in your phone. Comming Soon on Android devices!!

  • Roles: Programmer | Animator | UI/UX Designer | Implementation

  • Platforms: Android

Completed projects


  • Description: Bugger Off! is an engaging tower-defence game with cartoony aesthetics.

  • Roles: Scrum Master | Animator | Programmer

  • Contributions: As scrum master i made sure that everyone is on the same page during the projects current state and identifying future bottlenecks to make sure we deliver on time. As an animator i rigged, animate and implemented the animations according to the characters current state.

4 months (2023)

Ski me down before you gogo

  • Description: Collection of mini games depicting the finnish hiihtoloma or winter break.

  • Role: Programmer

  • Contributions: I made the game mechanics and UI's for the disco and sauna minigames.

3 days (2023)


  • Description: Hahmotin is a project requested from the Museum of Jyväskylä to showcase the art in videogames. The project itself was made possible with the collaboration of different students from the University of Jyväskyla and Jank. The musuem wanted the player to be part of the exhibition by enabling the player to mix and match diffeent character art styles and showcase those creations into a big monitor.

  • Role: Programmer | Backend

  • Contributions: My main contribution was creating a backend using Playfab SDK for storing the users characters so it coud be retrieve and showcase in a bigger screeen around the museum. I also helped creating the UI and character parts selection and sending an email through the game with a screeenshot of the players character.

3 months (2022)

Say Hello!

If you want to know more about me, my work or contact me, bellow are the main channels i use.

  • Linkedin icon with link to Santiago Sala's linkedin page.
  • GitHub icon with link to Santiago Sala's GitHub profile.
  • Youtube icon with link to Santiago Sala's Youtube page.