Majestic Farmstay

Decorate your farm and and take care your animals at the Majestic Farmstay. Welcome to the Amberfield Valley and Majestic Farmstay, where you can combine everything into better and more useful items while you fix and maintain your farm! Decorate, manage and build your own farmstay into a thriving business! THis is not the merge game you ever played before!! Available in Google Play.

My contributions

Project Info

  • Company: Add Inspiration
  • My roles: Animator, UI/Ux design and Unity Implementation
  • Team size: 6
  • Time frame: From 06-2024 - 11-2024
  • Engine: Unity


My main role in the team. I rigged and animate the screen transitions, characters, UI elements and finally add effects whenever necessary.

UI/UX Designer

As the UI designer I created visual aids for the team members to understand better the structure and flow of the different screens and buttons. I also implemented the UI in Unity making sure that they to adapt to the diverse range of screen sizes of mobile devices, including tablets.

Say Hello!

If you want to know more about me, my work or contact me, bellow are the main channels i use.

  • Linkedin icon with link to Santiago Sala's linkedin page.
  • GitHub icon with link to Santiago Sala's GitHub profile.
  • Youtube icon with link to Santiago Sala's Youtube page.